Genetics 220 - Computational Analysis of High Throughput Biological Data
Syllabus in HTML
and PDF.
Piazza site for discussion and question/answer forum
- Course Outline
- UNIX I: Introduction
to Command Line
Running programs in UNIX
and Git Tutorial
and in PDF
Tools for data processing and see data links
- UCR Biocluster: Running jobs with Slurm on HPC - Charles Forsyth
- Python 1 - Variables, running, cmdline, strings, math
- Python 2 - Logic, loops, lists, iterator - Sawyer Masonjones
- Python 3 - Input/Output files
- Python 4 - Dictionaries, Arrays, functions
- Python 4 -
Regular Expressions
- Python 5 - Libraries, packages, BioPython
- Bioinformatics 1 - cmdline BLAST
- Bioinformatics 2 - Short reads, alignment, stats, SNPs
- Bioinformatics 3 - RNAseq
- Data Plotting and brief intro to R graphics
- Comparative genomics, Orthologs
- Phylogenetics
- Homework 1
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- Homework 2
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- Homework 3
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- Homework 4
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