class: center, middle # Bioinformatics Tool Basics --- # Running Analysis * How to run BLAST on command line * How to setup data files and process * Development of workflows --- # Sequence search tools - BLAST * BLAST is by far the most taught tool in Bioinformatics. I am not going to rehash this for * See NCBI's [Introduction to BLAST]( * One of 7 Million pages by Googling ["blast introduction tutorial"]( --- # BLAST on Biocluster There are multiple flavors of BLAST (implementations). Focus on the latest version from NCBI (2.7.1+). Default on the cluster is 2.2.30+ We will make links to two files which are ORFs from two yeast species ```bash # setup some files to do some searches $ mkdir BLAST_demo $ cd BLAST_demo $ ln -s /bigdata/gen220/shared/data_files/sequences/yeast_chr1_orfs.fa . $ ln -s /bigdata/gen220/shared/data_files/sequences/C_glabrata_orfs.fa . ``` Now we have some files, set them up for running BLAST. Our question is, what ORFs are similar at the DNA level between these two species. ```bash $ module load ncbi-blast/2.7.1+ # load the module on the biocluster $ makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in C_glabrata_orfs.fa $ ls C_glabrata_orfs.fa C_glabrata_orfs.fa.nhr C_glabrata_orfs.fa.nin C_glabrata_orfs.fa.nsq yeast_chr1_orfs.fa $ head -n 15 yeast_chr1_orfs.fa > YAL027W.cds # get 1st seq for an example $ blastn -query YAL027W.cds -db C_glabrata_orfs.fa ``` --- #BLAST Running Change the output format to tab delimited with `-outfmt 6` or `-outfmt 7` ```bash $ blastn -query YAL027W.cds -db C_glabrata_orfs.fa \ -evalue 0.001 -outfmt 7 -out ``` This will query the 1 sequence and produce a tab delimited file. If you provide a multi-FASTA format file with many sequences, each one will be queried and all the results contatanted toegther. ```bash $ blastn -query yeast_chr1_orfs.fa -db C_glabrata_orfs.fa \ -evalue 0.001 -outfmt 7 -out ``` --- #BLAST: what are the tools * `makeblastdb` - index a database (required to do once before searching) * `blastn` - DNA/RNA to DNA/RNA search * `blastp` - protein to protein search * `blastx` - translated query (DNA/RNA) against protein database * `tblastn` - protein query against translated (DNA/RNA) database * `tblastx` - translated query and database (both in DNA/RNA but search in protein space) * `blastdbcmd` - retrieve a sequence from a blast formatted DB --- #BLAST: what are the cmdline options? All the tools have documented command line options. Use -h or -help to get detailed info. Sometimes with no arguments will print documentation, other times will not. ```bash $ makeblastdb USAGE makeblastdb [-h] [-help] [-in input_file] [-input_type type] -dbtype molecule_type [-title database_title] [-parse_seqids] [-hash_index] [-mask_data mask_data_files] [-mask_id mask_algo_ids] [-mask_desc mask_algo_descriptions] [-gi_mask] [-gi_mask_name gi_based_mask_names] [-out database_name] [-max_file_sz number_of_bytes] [-logfile File_Name] [-taxid TaxID] [-taxid_map TaxIDMapFile] [-version] DESCRIPTION Application to create BLAST databases, version 2.2.30+ Use '-help' to print detailed descriptions of command line arguments ======================================================================== ``` --- #BLAST: what are the cmdline options? ```bash $ blastn -h USAGE blastn [-h] [-help] [-import_search_strategy filename] [-export_search_strategy filename] [-task task_name] [-db database_name] [-dbsize num_letters] [-gilist filename] [-seqidlist filename] [-negative_gilist filename] [-entrez_query entrez_query] [-db_soft_mask filtering_algorithm] [-db_hard_mask filtering_algorithm] [-subject subject_input_file] [-subject_loc range] [-query input_file] [-out output_file] [-evalue evalue] [-word_size int_value] [-gapopen open_penalty] [-gapextend extend_penalty] [-perc_identity float_value] [-qcov_hsp_perc float_value] [-xdrop_ungap float_value] [-xdrop_gap float_value] [-xdrop_gap_final float_value] [-searchsp int_value] [-max_hsps int_value] [-sum_stats bool_value] [-penalty penalty] [-reward reward] [-no_greedy] [-min_raw_gapped_score int_value] [-template_type type] [-template_length int_value] [-dust DUST_options] [-filtering_db filtering_database] [-window_masker_taxid window_masker_taxid] [-window_masker_db window_masker_db] [-soft_masking soft_masking] [-ungapped] [-culling_limit int_value] [-best_hit_overhang float_value] [-best_hit_score_edge float_value] [-window_size int_value] [-off_diagonal_range int_value] [-use_index boolean] [-index_name string] [-lcase_masking] [-query_loc range] [-strand strand] [-parse_deflines] [-outfmt format] [-show_gis] [-num_descriptions int_value] [-num_alignments int_value] [-line_length line_length] [-html] [-max_target_seqs num_sequences] [-num_threads int_value] [-remote] [-version] DESCRIPTION Nucleotide-Nucleotide BLAST 2.2.30+ Use '-help' to print detailed descriptions of command line arguments ``` --- #BLAST: some key arguments * -query - query file name (required) * -db - database file name (require) * -evalue - set the evalue cutoff * -max_target_seqs - max number of hit seqs to show * -num_alignments - max number of alignments to show * -num_threads - number of threads (parallel processing to run, 8 will be faster than 2) * -outfmt - specify a simpler format than the text format, try '-outfmt 6' for tabular format * -subject - instead of doing a DB search, search for alignments between query sequence and 1 to many subject sequences. Useful when want to just see the alignment of 2 sequences already picked out from other analyses --- #BLAST: Putting it all together This is a script. e.g. `` ```bash #!/usr/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes 1 --ntasks 4 --mem 2G --job-name=BLASTN #SBATCH --output=blastn.%A.log module load ncbi-blast/2.7.1+ CPUS=$SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE if [ ! $CPUS ]; then CPUS=1 fi if [ ! -f C_glabrata_orfs.fa.nhr ]; then makeblastdb -in C_glabrata_orfs.fa -dbtype nucl fi blastn -query yeast_chr1_orfs.fa -db C_glabrata_orfs.fa \ -evalue 1e-5 -outfmt 6 -out -num_threads $CPUS ``` Now submit this script ```bash $ sbatch $ squeue -u $USER # check on your submitted job ``` --- #Other types of search tools * __HMMER__ * Identify conserved domains in a protein * Sensitive searches for distant homologs * phmmer can be of comparable speed to BLASTP * HMMs are a way to not just match a single sequence but match a pattern * __FASTA__ * Another tool like BLAST * Doesn't require formatting the database * FASTA/SSEARCH are more full length optimal alignments instead of individual scoring pairs, a single best alignment generated * Global alignment also with ggsearch --- #Other seq search tools * __Exonerate__ * Another aligner useful for cDNA to genome alignment and protein to genome alignment * splice-site aware * output harder to parse but there is a GFF-flavor output and parsers in some toolkits * __USEARCH / VSEARCH__ * fast, near-exact search tool * useful in microbiome short-read * __DIAMOND__ * fast, near-exact short read search tool * translated BLASTX search option to search proteins against a short read database