class: center, middle # R-plotting & Useful scripts --- # Other useful tools ```bash $ module load cdbfasta $ cdbfasta proteins.fa $ cdbfasta reads.fastq $ echo read_1_name | cdbyank reads.fastq.cidx > my_read1_sequence ``` --- # Write a tool to print out sequence lengths ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Seq import Seq # seqfile if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("argument should be\n"," FILE.fasta") exit() filename = sys.argv[1] print("%s\t%s"%("Name","Length")) for seq_record in SeqIO.parse( filename , "fasta"): print("%s\t%d"%(,len(seq_record))) ``` --- # Generate table of sequence sizes ```shell $ curl -L > transposon.fa.gz #SHORT URL # $ curl -L > mRNA.fa.gz # SHORT URL # $ gunzip *.gz $ ./ transposon.fa > transposon.lengths $ ./ mRNA.fa > mRNA.lengths ``` --- # R basics * Cmdline R ``` $ R or to run an existing script $ Rscript script.R ``` --- # R basics - read in data ```R mRNA = read.csv("mRNA.lengths",sep="\t",header=T) head(mRNA) summary(mRNA) mRNA2 = read.table("mRNA.lengths",sep="\t",header=T) head(mRNA2) mRNA3 = read.csv("mRNA.lengths",sep="\t",header=T,row.names=1) head(mRNA3) summary(mRNA3) ``` --- # Summary stats and Histograms ```R mRNA = read.csv("mRNA.lengths",sep="\t",header=T,row.names=1) TE = read.csv("transposon.lengths",sep="\t",header=T,row.names=1) summary(mRNA) summary(TE) pdf("lengths_hist.pdf") hist(TE$Length) hist(TE$Length,100,main="TE length distribution") hist(mRNA$Length,100,main="mRNA length distribution") short = subset(mRNA,mRNA$Length < 10000) summary(short) hist(short$Length,100,main="shorter mRNA length distribution") long = subset(mRNA,mRNA$Length > 50000) summary(long) ``` --- # Boxplots ```R mRNA = read.csv("mRNA.lengths",sep="\t",header=T,row.names=1) TE = read.csv("transposon.lengths",sep="\t",header=T,row.names=1) pdf("lengths_boxplot.pdf") nm = c("mRNA","TE") boxplot(mRNA$Length,TE$Length,main="Boxplot of seq type lengths", names=c("mRNA","TE")) boxplot(mRNA$Length,TE$Length,main="Boxplot of seq type lengths", col=c("red","blue"),names=nm) boxplot(subset(mRNA$Length,mRNA$Length < 10000),TE$Length, main="Boxplot of shorter seqtype lengths",names=nm, col=c("red","blue"),las=2) ``` --- # Plot X-Y Data set project on genome size: