Reanalyze data in this published paper Baker et al 2014 “Slow growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis at acidic pH is regulated by phoPR and host‐associated carbon sources”
Data are downloaded to /bigdata/gen220/shared/data/M_tuberculosis
The Transcriptome file is also in the folder as M_tuberculosis.cds.fasta
- I have renamed the sequences to be the LOCUS names. It was downloaded from and the specific file is linked here
There is a file which lists the sample accessions and their metadata so you can see what are the data sets. This is from the BioProject PRJNA226557 and the SRA Project SRP032513
Compare gene expression between two sets of conditions.
And growth carbon source
as the database and each of the 8 .fastq.gz
files in the folder. You can make links to these files (ln -s /bigdata/gen220/shared/data/M_tuberculosis/*.fastq.gz
. You do not need to uncompress the files, Kallisto can read gzip compressed files.M_tuberculosis.pep.fasta
FYI - to process the file and move the locus_tags as the sequence names I ran this regular expression (in Perl)
perl -p -e 's/>(\S+).+(\[locus_tag=([^\]]+)\])/>$3 $1 $2/' GCF_000008585.1_ASM858v1_cds_from_genomic.fna > M_tuberculosis.cds.fasta
I made the protein file of sequences using script from BioPerl. M_tuberculosis.cds.fasta > M_tuberculosis.pep.fasta