Efforts to sequence the transcripts expressed in a cell or organism.
Using techniques to extract the
Wang et al. Nat Rev Genetics. 2009. doi:10.1038/nrg2484
de novo Assembly of mRNA into transcripts
It is important to note that aligning sequences to the genome when there are introns requires dealing with introns. So splice-aware alignements are needed in some cases.
Tarraga et al 2017. DNA Research.10.1093/dnares/dsv039
#Reads to Genome mapping
Challenges: mRNA is spliced, genome contains introns
Splice-aware short read aligners. Speed and accuracy tradeoffs
Statistical tools for evaluating gene expression differences
Compare reads to Transcripts instead of Genome
Usage: kallisto quant [arguments] FASTQ-files
Required arguments:
-i, --index=STRING Filename for the kallisto index to be used for
-o, --output-dir=STRING Directory to write output to
Optional arguments:
--bias Perform sequence based bias correction
-b, --bootstrap-samples=INT Number of bootstrap samples (default: 0)
--seed=INT Seed for the bootstrap sampling (default: 42)
--plaintext Output plaintext instead of HDF5
--fusion Search for fusions for Pizzly
--single Quantify single-end reads
--single-overhang Include reads where unobserved rest of fragment is
predicted to lie outside a transcript
--fr-stranded Strand specific reads, first read forward
--rf-stranded Strand specific reads, first read reverse
-l, --fragment-length=DOUBLE Estimated average fragment length
-s, --sd=DOUBLE Estimated standard deviation of fragment length
(default: -l, -s values are estimated from paired
end data, but are required when using --single)
-t, --threads=INT Number of threads to use (default: 1)
--pseudobam Save pseudoalignments to transcriptome to BAM file
--genomebam Project pseudoalignments to genome sorted BAM file
-g, --gtf GTF file for transcriptome information
(required for --genomebam)
-c, --chromosomes Tab separated file with chromosome names and lengths
(optional for --genomebam, but recommended)
Note this won’t quite work to copy and paste.
module load kallisto
ln -s /bigdata/gen220/shared/data-examples/rnaseq/kallisto/S_cerevisiae_ORFs.fasta
ln -s
kallisto index -i Scer.idx S_cerevisiae_ORFs.fasta
cat samples.tsv | while read ACC COND REP
kallisto quant -t 8 --single -l 300 -s 20 -i Scer.idx -o $OUT data/${ACC}_1.fastq.gz
Go see /bigdata/gen220/shared/data-examples/rnaseq/kallisto
Trinity Assembler for RNASeq
$ module load trinity-rnaseq
$ module switch perl/5.22.0
$ Trinity --seqType fq --left reads_1.fq --right reads_2.fq --CPU 8 --max_memory 20G
Once we have assembled the transcriptome, want to find genes in there.
$ module load transdecoder
$ TransDecoder.LongOrfs -t target_transcripts.fasta
Using HISAT2 for RNAseq read mapping
Download those files.
# start an interactive session
srun -N 1 -n 4 -p short --mem 16gb --pty bash -l
module load hisat2
# uncompress
gunzip S_cerevisiae.gff3.gz S_cerevisiae.fasta.gz
# build index
hisat2-build S_cerevisiae.fasta yeast
# run search
ln -s /bigdata/gen220/shared/data-examples/rnaseq/yeast_rnaseq/*.gz .
hisat2 -x yeast -1 SRR3396381_1.fastq.gz -2 SRR3396381_2.fastq.gz -S SRR3396381.sam -p 4
module load samtools
samtools view -Ob -o SRR3396381.bam SRR3396381.sam
samtools sort -o SRR3396381.sort.bam SRR3396381.bam
samtools index SRR3396381.sort.bam SRR3396381.bam
samtools flagstat SRR3396381.sort.bam
Subread - http://subread.sourceforge.net/
module load subread
featureCounts -g gene_id -T $CPUS -G $GENOME -s 0 -a $GFF -o $OUTFILE \