
Python Practice and Workshop 1

Printing data

Practice printing out data

Reading from a file and counting information from a file

Let’s count up Exon number and length.

Use /bigdata/gen220/shared/simple/rice_random_exons.bed

Write python code to do the following:

  1. Open the file
  2. Loop through each line in the file
  3. Print the length of each exon
  4. Summarize the total length of all the exons

Reading from a comma delimited file Use the data file from this

site: for this example.

Print out the names of all the genera (genus column) and the counts of each.

FASTA file processing

Let’s read in a dataset of Genes from a FASTA formatted file and print out:

  1. The number of sequences in the file.
  2. The first and last codons (first 3 bases and last 3 bases)
  3. Count the number of genes on each strand (this is coded by the last character in the gene name).
import itertools, sys, re

# define what a header looks like in FASTA format
def isheader(line):
    return line[0] == '>'

def aspairs(f):
    seq_id = ''
    sequence = ''
    for header,group in itertools.groupby(f, isheader):
        if header:
            line = next(group)
            seq_id = line[1:].split()[0]
            sequence = ''.join(line.strip() for line in group)
            yield seq_id, sequence

with open(filename,"r") as f:
   seqs = dict(aspairs(f))
   first_codon = {}
   last_codon  = {}
   sequence_count = 0
   strand_count = {}

   for seqname in seqs:
       sequence_count += 1
       firstcodon = seqs[seqname][0:3]
       lastcodon = seqs[seqname][-3:]
       if firstcodon in first_codon:
           first_codon[firstcodon] +=1
           first_codon[firstcodon] = 1

       if lastcodon in last_codon:
           last_codon[lastcodon] +=1
           last_codon[lastcodon] = 1

#       print(firstcodon,lastcodon)
       last_char = seqname[-1]
#       print(last_char, " in ", seqname)
       if last_char in strand_count:
           strand_count[last_char] += 1
           strand_count[last_char] = 1
print("There are %d sequences in the file"%(sequence_count))

print("The distribution of first codons is:")

for codon in first_codon:
    print("%s => %d (%.1f%%)" % (codon, first_codon[codon],
                                 100.0 * first_codon[codon] / sequence_count))

print("The distribution of last codons is:")
for codon in last_codon:
    print("%s => %d (%.1f%%)" % (codon, last_codon[codon],
                                 100.0 * last_codon[codon] / sequence_count))

print("There are %s genes on the Watson (+) strand"%(strand_count['W']))
print("          %s genes on the Crick  (-) strand"%(strand_count['C']))

print("There are %s genes on the Watson (+) strand"%(strand_count['W']))
print("          %s genes on the Crick  (-) strand"%(strand_count['C']))