2020 Edition of the Class
Here are some example of typical and useful regular expressions.
All the working code is also in this folder on github or you can check out the repository. https://github.com/biodataprog/GEN220_2019_examples/tree/master/Python_5
Often FASTA files will be used to encode a lot of information and all of this is stored in the header line. We want to get the following out of this header into some variables so we can do something more with the data.
)This gene makes and enzyme
)The data look like this and are stored in a file called sequences.fas
>Hsapiens|ABC10021.1|gi|1133455 GENE=YFG1 DESC="This gene makes an enzyme"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
pat = re.compile(r'>([^\|]+)\|([^\|]+)\|gi\|(\d+)\s+GENE=(\S+)\s+DESC=\"([^\"]+)\"')
with open("sequences.fas","r") as fh:
for line in fh:
if line.startswith(">"):
m = pat.match(line)
if m:
acc =m.group(2)
gi =m.group(3)
gene =m.group(4)
Desc =m.group(5)
print("species = ",species)
print("accession = ",acc)
print("gi. = ",gi)
print("Gene name = ",gene)
print("Desc is. = '{}'".format(Desc))
```python text=[ “ABC\t10..30”, “ABC 30..40”]
for r in text: