
Project maintained by biodataprog Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Homework 2

Homework can be submitted via the github link which will create a repository for you with basic template of files you can edit to solve the homework. See the the table for homework submission links which will help you create a github repository in the class team.

  1. Submit the homework by creating a repository through github classroom Homework 2
  2. Write a shell script called which does all of the following.
    • Download a comma delimited datasets from which are listing of fires in several decades larger than 5000+. search for “Recent Large Fire Perimiters” in the search box. Click on the dataset it should take you to this page. Download the CSV file. (hint use curl).
    • Print out the range of years that occur in this file (hint cut out the column you want, sort and get either the smallest or largest number)
      • you’ll notice there are 2 weird numbers in there “48088” and “6901” - can you tell why? You will need to go into the file and correct something (this is reminder that data are not always clean!) to avoid this problem.
    • Print out the number of fires in the database
      • (hint use wc, remove the header or subtract out the rows )
    • Print out the number of fires that occur each year
      • (hint use cut, sort and uniq -c)
    • Print out the name and year of largest fire
      • (hint use sort) - use the GIS_ACRES column - name is in the column FIRE_NAME
    • Print out the total acreage burned in each year.
      • hint you can simply the file by using cut cut -d, -f2,13 ... to get the columns you need
      • awk to accumulate awk -F',' '{sum+=$2;} END{print sum;}'
      • Can you filter out just the rows for a given year and add up the numbers for it?