
2023 Class

Project maintained by biodataprog Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

GEN 220 Project Presentation information

Try to keep this to 10 minutes.

My goals of the presentation are:

  1. Be able to introduce a research problem
  2. Describe the data you will use or have collected
  3. Describe the process/code/workflow you have or will be using
  4. Any results, patterns or summary of the results
  5. Any problems or challenges encountered

You can make your presentation as a webpage to show during class, slides in google slides/powerpoint etc.

Just give us some sense of what data you collected / used (organisms or data types is helpful), It is usually not that helpful to try to show actual code during these presentations unless you want to. The best is to explain as a diagram or with words, the steps your processes go through to process or transform the data and what results you have or expect to have at the end.