
2023 Class

Project maintained by biodataprog Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Finding Orthologs and Paralogs


Gene families and Orthology

Problem: How to find “same” genes across multiple species.

Genes can duplicate (Paralogs) and can be identical due to descent (Ortholog)




Trees can help resolve relationships

Best hits can sometimes be wrong (B) though it can be resolved with phylogenetics.


Reciprocal Searches


Implement Bidirectional

Method to find best top hit in one direction and the reverse.

Let’s walk through the code

Will write this in Python in Class



Code up single-linkage

Let’s look at some code.

Will write this in Python in Class



Tools to go after Orthologous and Paralogous equences

Steps to build orthologs on cluster

We will take 3 datasets of annotated Cyanobacteria, download and run analysis to generate Ortholog table.

#SBATCH --ntasks 16 --mem 8G -p short
module load ncbi-blast
module load orthofinder
module load miniconda2

mkdir -p cyanobacteria
cd cyanobacteria
curl -L -O
curl -L -O
curl -L -O

# uncompress files and name them all *.fasta
for file in *.fa.gz
 m=$(basename $file .pep.all.fa.gz)
 pigz -dc $file > $m.fasta

cd ..

orthofinder -a $CPU -f cyanobacteria

Ortholog results

The output file by default will be the date of the anlaysis. Opening the file cyanobacteria/Results_XXX/Orthogroups.txt but I made a folder in the examples you look over. Here’s one table


GroupName\tSp1_Gene1, Sp1_Gene2\tSp2_Gene1, Sp2_Gene2\tSp3_Gene1, Sp3_Gene2
	Cyanobacterium_aponinum_pcc_10605.ASM31767v1	Nostoc_punctiforme_pcc_73102.ASM2002v1	Oscillatoriales_cyanobacterium_jsc_12.ASM30994v1
OG0000000			EKQ66605, EKQ66611, EKQ66662, EKQ66782, EKQ66954, EKQ66984, EKQ67084, EKQ67085, EKQ67278, EKQ67284, EKQ67330, EKQ67344, EKQ67361, EKQ67366, EKQ67368, EKQ67427,
 EKQ67433, EKQ67590, EKQ67680, EKQ67799, EKQ67807, EKQ67983, EKQ68026, EKQ68032, EKQ68054, EKQ68173, EKQ68296, EKQ68354, EKQ68495, EKQ68500, EKQ68912, EKQ69012, EKQ69027, EKQ69073, EKQ69085,
EKQ69279, EKQ69300, EKQ69345, EKQ69368, EKQ69506, EKQ69549, EKQ69629, EKQ69630, EKQ69655, EKQ69739, EKQ69760, EKQ69872, EKQ69984, EKQ70005, EKQ70023, EKQ70046, EKQ70130, EKQ70179, EKQ70602, E
KQ70786, EKQ70840, EKQ70870, EKQ70894, EKQ71088, EKQ71090, EKQ71265, EKQ71335
OG0000001	AFZ52442, AFZ54265, AFZ54640	ACC78968, ACC78978, ACC79054, ACC79090, ACC79138, ACC79182, ACC79941, ACC80158, ACC80645, ACC81000, ACC81451, ACC81520, ACC81612, ACC81781, ACC
81797, ACC82091, ACC82628, ACC82978, ACC83035, ACC83215, ACC83711, ACC84528, ACC84844, ACC84851, ACC85118, ACC85266, ACC85421	EKQ66618, EKQ66620, EKQ66621, EKQ67508, EKQ68220, EKQ69508, EKQ
69971, EKQ69995, EKQ70003, EKQ70556, EKQ70833, EKQ71286
OG0000002	AFZ55137	ACC79344, ACC80485, ACC80595, ACC82143, ACC82836, ACC82962, ACC83845, ACC83999, ACC84046, ACC84047, ACC84257, ACC84700, ACC84955, ACC84966, ACC84970, ACC84971,
 ACC84972, ACC84974, ACC84981, ACC84982, ACC84983, ACC85032	EKQ66950, EKQ67597, EKQ67615, EKQ68095, EKQ68496, EKQ68499, EKQ69362, EKQ69910, EKQ69959
OG0000003	AFZ53198	ACC78875, ACC78976, ACC79256, ACC79524, ACC79759, ACC80145, ACC80528, ACC80591, ACC80631, ACC80670, ACC80818, ACC81317, ACC81502, ACC82310, ACC82674, ACC82718,
 ACC82769, ACC83025, ACC83081, ACC83457, ACC83602, ACC83721, ACC83749, ACC84422, ACC85331	EKQ69908
OG0000004		ACC80422, ACC80525, ACC80662, ACC80851, ACC80857, ACC80914, ACC81440, ACC81547, ACC81570, ACC81705, ACC81945, ACC81949, ACC81968, ACC81987, ACC82586, ACC83096, ACC8342
6, ACC83981, ACC84622, ACC84732, ACC85457	EKQ66830, EKQ66911, EKQ67039, EKQ67311, EKQ69997, EKQ70735
OG0000005	AFZ52318, AFZ52611, AFZ52613, AFZ52925, AFZ52973, AFZ53626, AFZ53840, AFZ53841, AFZ53849, AFZ53949, AFZ54004, AFZ54551, AFZ54904, AFZ55229	ACC80197, ACC81960, ACC82068, A
CC82559, ACC83603, ACC83674, ACC85005, ACC85009	EKQ67574, EKQ67809, EKQ69976
OG0000006	AFZ52319, AFZ53394, AFZ54017, AFZ54472	ACC79360, ACC79745, ACC79853, ACC80832, ACC80867, ACC81560, ACC82363, ACC82406, ACC82436, ACC82585, ACC84067, ACC84385	EKQ67267, EKQ67
478, EKQ67551, EKQ67724, EKQ67810, EKQ68266
OG0000007	AFZ53704, AFZ54461, AFZ54462	ACC79786, ACC80242, ACC80282, ACC80538, ACC80768, ACC81387, ACC82067, ACC83125, ACC83317, ACC83447, ACC84291, ACC84302, ACC85008	EKQ6767
2, EKQ68369, EKQ70142, EKQ70145, EKQ71300

The tool also generates summary statistics we can look through.

Could write a script to turn this into a table or use the summary count table provided.

ORTHO_0001         10     5   0
ORTHO_0002          1     1   0