
2023 Class

Project maintained by biodataprog Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Short Sequencing Read Maping

BWA for short read alignment

Index genome

It is necessary to index the genome in preparation of alignement.

#SBATCH -p short -N 1 -n 2 --mem 2gb
module load bwa
bwa index $GENOME

Align reads

#SBATCH -p short -N 1 -n 16 --mem 4gb

module load bwa
module load samtools
mkdir -p ~/bigdata/Short_read_aligning
cd ~/bigdata/Short_read_aligning
mkdir -p fastq
ln -s /bigdata/gen220/shared/data/S_enterica/*.fastq.gz fastq
ln -s /bigdata/gen220/shared/data/S_enterica/S_enterica_CT18.fasta
ln -s /bigdata/gen220/shared/data/S_enterica/acc.txt
if [ ! -f $ ]; then
   bwa index $GENOME

for acc in $(cat acc.txt)

	bwa mem -t $CPU $GENOME $FWDREAD $REVREAD > ${acc}.sam
	samtools fixmate -O bam ${acc}.sam ${acc}_fixmate.bam
	samtools sort --threads $CPU -O BAM -o ${acc}.bam ${acc}_fixmate.bam
	samtools index ${acc}.bam

Visualizing depth of coverage

Interactively - you can use samtools

module load samtools
samtools tview SRR10574912.bam
# to see the reference genome loaded as well add this option
samtools tview SRR10574912.bam --reference S_enterica_CT18.fasta

SNP calling

There are many standardized SNP calling pipelines. GATK provides a robust pipeline that can be used.

Samtools/BCFTools are also useful and straight forward.

freebayes is another very useful pipeline for non-model systems.

Samtools/BCFTools SNP and INDEL calling

Workflows from the htslib

#SBATCH -p batch -N 1 -n 4 --mem 16gb
module load samtools
module load bcftools

# need to make a string which is all the bam files you want to process
# but if we do *.bam it will catch the intermediate bam files that are in the folder
for a in $(cat acc.txt)
  m="$a.bam $m"

bcftools mpileup -Ou -f $GENOME $m | bcftools call -vmO z -o $VCF
tabix -p vcf $VCF
bcftools stats -F $GENOME -s - $VCF > $VCF.stats
mkdir -p plots
plot-vcfstats -p plots/ $VCF.stats
bcftools filter -O z -o $VCFFILTER -s LOWQUAL -i'%QUAL>10' $VCF

Genome Browsers

We will do more on genome browsers later in the course. But if you want to see how to visualize genome you can see some of these tools.


IGV - High-performance visualization tool for interactive exploration of large, integrated genomic datasets. It supports a wide variety of data types, including array-based and next-generation sequence data, and genomic annotations.


JBrowse2 provides google-maps style interface to genomes

Public genome browsers

Many browsers allow upload of aligned data (bam files) to integrate local data with public genome resources.

Displaying data in EnsEMBL

Go to Ensembl Site for Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. CT18

See the EnsEMBL tutorial on how to add a BAM file track (note this only works if you have aligned reads to the SAME ASSEMBLY that is in Ensembl).

Click on “Display your data in Ensembl Bacteria”

Make a link on the web for your data. Follow directions on HPCC site

mkdir -p ~/.html/share
cd ~/.html/share
ln -s ~/bigdata/Short_read_aligning . # or wherever you were doning

Now you can use the URL and the .bam files that are in there.