
2023 Class

Project maintained by biodataprog Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Python Practice and Workshop 1

Printing data

Practice printing out data

Reading from a file and counting information from a file

Let’s count up Exon number and length.

Use rice_random_exons.bed

Write python code to do the following:

  1. Open the file
  2. Loop through each line in the file
  3. Print the length of each exon
  4. Summarize the total length of all the exons
import os
print("Rice filename is {}".format(ricefile))
if not os.path.exists(ricefile):
    os.system("curl -O {}".format(riceurl))
total_exon_length = 0
with open(ricefile,"r") as fh:
    for bedline in fh:
#        bedline = bedline.strip()
        bedarray = bedline.strip().split("\t")
        exonlen = abs(int(bedarray[2])-int(bedarray[1]))
#        print("exon length is {}".format(exonlen))
        total_exon_length += exonlen
print("Total length of exons is {} bp ({} kb)".format(total_exon_length,total_exon_length/1000))

Reading from a comma delimited file Use the data file from this

site: for this example.

Print out the names of all the genera (genus column) and the counts of each.

import os, csv, sys
print("Species filename is {}".format(spfile))
if not os.path.exists(spfile):
    os.system("curl -O {}".format(speciesurl))

genera = {} # this is a dictionary
with open(spfile,"r") as fh:
    speciesreader = csv.reader(fh, delimiter=',')
    header = next(speciesreader)
    for row in speciesreader:
        genus = row[1]
        if len(genus) == 0:
        if genus in genera:
            genera[genus] += 1
            genera[genus] = 1

for genus in sorted(genera):
    generaout = csv.writer(sys.stdout,delimiter="\t")

print("now ordered by abundance using the value stored in the dictionary")
for genus in reversed(sorted(genera.keys(), key=lambda x: genera[x])):
    generaout = csv.writer(sys.stdout,delimiter="\t")

FASTA file processing

Let’s read in a dataset of Genes from a FASTA formatted file and print out:

  1. The number of sequences in the file.
  2. The first and last codons (first 3 bases and last 3 bases)
  3. Count the number of genes on each strand (this is coded by the last character in the gene name).
import itertools, sys, re

# define what a header looks like in FASTA format
def isheader(line):
    return line[0] == '>'

def aspairs(f):
    seq_id = ''
    sequence = ''
    for header,group in itertools.groupby(f, isheader):
        if header:
            line = next(group)
            seq_id = line[1:].split()[0]
            sequence = ''.join(line.strip() for line in group)
            yield seq_id, sequence

# you could use this or you can download this from here instead
if not os.path.exists(filename):
    os.system("curl -L -O {}".format(yeastorfs))
print("filename is {}".format(filename))
with open(filename,"r") as f:
    seqs = dict(aspairs(f))
    first_codon = {}
    last_codon  = {}
    sequence_count = 0
    strand_count = {}
    i = 0
    for seqname in seqs:
#        if i == 0:
#            print("seqname is {}".format(seqname))
#            i += 1
        sequence_count += 1
        firstcodon = seqs[seqname][0:3]
        #print("length of sequence = ",len(seqs[seqname]))
        lastcodon = seqs[seqname][-3:]
        if firstcodon in first_codon:
            first_codon[firstcodon] +=1
            first_codon[firstcodon] = 1

        if lastcodon in last_codon:
            last_codon[lastcodon] +=1
            last_codon[lastcodon] = 1

#       print(firstcodon,lastcodon)
        last_char = seqname[-1]
#       print(last_char, " in ", seqname)
        if last_char in strand_count:
            strand_count[last_char] += 1
            strand_count[last_char] = 1
print("There are %d sequences in the file"%(sequence_count))

print("The distribution of first codons is:")

for codon in first_codon:
    print("%s => %d (%.1f%%)" % (codon, first_codon[codon],
                                 100.0 * first_codon[codon] / sequence_count))

print("The distribution of last codons is:")
for codon in last_codon:
    print("%s => %d (%.1f%%)" % (codon, last_codon[codon],
                                 100.0 * last_codon[codon] / sequence_count))

print("There are %s genes on the Watson (+) strand"%(strand_count['W']))
print("          %s genes on the Crick  (-) strand"%(strand_count['C']))